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    Wattle Hill
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    Just happy to put photos on the forum for relatives interested.
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    I have studied the Attorney Savel Bibikov, his wife Lydia (Betaki) and the ten children

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  1. JeremyK2


    Just a little fact. Alexandra Savelovna Strelnikov nee BIBIKOVA and daughter Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova of the Ekaterinburg Branch (Savel 'North' Bibikov was father and grandfather) famous for their respiratory system is now still being used by thousands approximately 80 years after application (disrupted due to war but later approved ) to help sufferers of COVID 19 recover. This was added to Wikipedia only recently. Certainly a very proud achievement for those related to this lineage of the Bibikov family. Extract from Wikipedia... Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova (1912-1989) - opera singer, teacher. Along with his mother, Alexandra Severovna Strelnikova, he is the co-author of the respiratory gymnastics complex, known as "Strelnikova's breathing exercises" Strelnikova's breathing exercises, among several other methods, are recommended by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for recovery after COVID-19 according to the temporary guidelines "Medical Rehabilitation for a New Coronavirus Infection" 2020 Thank you everyone for your patience. I hope this is of interest to some.
  2. JeremyK2


    In case this is of interest to anyone I discovered this entry in The United Opinions In Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers, 1791-1963 publication 1987 Bradford, Orange, Vermont, USA ".... Hutchinson, Esq., lawyer from Boston, was in town Monday looking after the copper mining business. Prof. Nikolas A. Bibikov , mining expert, a native of Russia, was in town on the same business. At the Epworth..." Thank you.
  3. JeremyK2


    I apologise sincerely for misinterpreting. I misunderstood the intention of a comment.
  4. JeremyK2


    In my defense I have spent years researching information beginning with the photographs. Much information came form Valery Bibikova and Vladimir Tikhomirov. I will always be grateful for this, especially the family tree. There have been dozens of other people however that users of this forum are not familiar with. Perhaps I am being over sensitive but I sometimes feel people think I have done nothing and just sponged of others. I would ask that some people put themselves in my shoes. A dear friend dies and leaves you with over 200 photographs. You do not speak her native tongue or can read the foreign language. All you have are these photographs. Twenty years on and you have compiled a huge research document. It has cost thousands of dollars to get translations done and has involved searching for the most miniscule of clues. Yes mistakes are made but with confidence you reach a stage, where with confirmation from authority, you can be near certain that 95% of stated information is factually correct. If I was to count all the time I have spent on this project it would be at least equivalent to a five year fulltime university degree. It filled nearly every spare moment I ever had, whilst still teaching full time. Now completed I need to decide whether to write a book or not. Additionally whether to write a non-fiction text or a narrative based of a true story. Most importantly I need to decide if I have the necessary skills to do it well and the subject matter justice. I yet am to feel confident in my capabilities. So yes ' an archive is a great wealth, but only when a lot of work has been done with it.' And for the record I have done an ENORMOUS amount of work with it. Those who know me well are more than aware that this is true. In fact the Tasmanians who were close to Nina are amazed by what has been put together. I am going to farewell the forum as I think that there is a time when one should move on. I wish everyone the very best and regardless of which date you celebrate Christmas on, that you and your families have a wonderful festive and relaxing season.
  5. JeremyK2


    Я только что обнаружил эту фотографию. В нем примерно треть всех фотографий, которые я получил от Нины. Многие были из Савела Бибикова и именно из этого филиала Бибиковых в Екатеринбурге. Много лет назад я бы пытался рассортировать их по группам. Я помню, как перед группировкой я разложил их на полу в двух комнатах. Вау, каким огромным делом это должно было стать.
  6. JeremyK2


    That is genuinely impressive.
  7. JeremyK2


    Dear Valery Sorry to bother you Valery but I assume these two prominent men were brothers? I think you mentioned this in an earlier post. Sergei Ilyich Bibikov (1851-1903) - Lieutenant General from the Bibikov family. Commandant of the Imperial Headquarters... He was the brother of Savel (Sever) 'North Bibikov', attorney in Yekaterinburg etc... I don't seem to ever be able to find out anything about the parents. I'll keep searching. There are increasingly notable ties with Germanic heritage in this branch and not just with Betaki. I'll check my information before I paste on Betaki site. Your expertise and knowledge is incredible and vast. I am amazed how you can store all that information either on record or in your head. Just one last enquiry, Is your book possibly going to have some copies printed in English? Thank you.
  8. JeremyK2


    Because this entry is already somewhat difficult and confusing in English, I have not translated it. People can choose to do so or have an English-speaking friend read it to them. Being the spoken word of an elderly rather sick lady clarity is not likely. Although this information is known by several people on the forum, I felt this was worth showing as the words are the actual spoken words from Nina Shudnat daughter of Alexandra Savelovna Strelnikova nee Bibikova. An interview tape from 2001 was just recently discovered. I had to listen very carefully as she was old and fragile at this stage so mumbled her English quite a bit. Red text indicates her actual speech. I was unsure whether to put this in the Bibikov or Strelnikov sections of the forum. Because this is just a selection, I have included it here. Later I can put the entire document under the Strelnikov forum pages because the document as a whole tends to focus more on the Strelnikov family. In amongst all the conversation the following points are said… …about her grandfather Savel. ‘He was very interesting, because he ran the activities smartly. I can tell you something about him if you are interested….’ Oh, Tartar origin oh it was from grandfather that was from my mother’s side Russian. My father’s parents ? # Russians over various, er # not very gentle districts were merchants, I have forgotten the name of the city where they were from. # Apologies but Nina’s speech is unintelligible at the juncture. Rather amusingly Nina speaks of her grandmother… …. someone’s wife, my grandmother. I can also show you. He was Greek. Grandmother was half-Greek, half-Russian. Her Greek father married her off when she was 17 to his friend who was way past 60. And Grandfather stole her off this guy and they left with a massive scandal from those Southern lands to Ekaterinburg. (Laughs). See where it all started? …I can give you this book to read. You’ll find everything there. You know what it’s called? It’s called “Live….(recording breaks). …What are you saying? Alfia: Who’s the author NN: Roerich About leaving Russia I know you didn’t want to leave Russia… I did not worry no you can’t get any sponsorship because #we were always with the Royal family, I mean my uncle and my aunt we were sure in a year they would all be back with Grandfather because they say it’s all an absurdity. How wrong this turned out to be. # Does this make sense date wise. It is what she said???
  9. JeremyK2


    Although I have no relation with the Bibikov genealogy I have come to find these individual stories very interesting and like a never ending jigsaw it continues to grow in complexity as new parts are always being discovered. I thank you Valery for the photograph and Skoidat your entry is intriguing. I can see why there is such a considerable interest in the Bibikov genealogy. There is much for relations of the Bibikov's to be proud of, including so many connections with nobility, land ownership and the development of infrastructure. Yes definitely a name which carries with it so much important and fascinating history. Хотя я не имею никакого отношения к генеалогии Бибикова, я пришел к выводу, что эти отдельные истории очень интересны и, как бесконечная головоломка, они продолжают усложняться, поскольку постоянно открываются новые части. Благодарю Вас, Валерий, за фотографию и, Скоид, ваша запись интригует. Я понимаю, почему родословная Бибикова вызывает такой большой интерес. Бибиковым есть чем гордиться, в том числе связи с дворянством, землевладением и развитием инфраструктуры. Да, определенно имя, которое несет в себе столько важной и увлекательной истории.
  10. JeremyK2


    Этого человека не следует путать с советским художником-графиком Виктором Бибиковым 1903-1973 годов. Виктор Иванович Бибиков (9 апреля 1863, Киев, - 15 марта 1892, Киев) - русский писатель-фантаст. Бибиков воспитывался в первой киевской гимназии, но до ее окончания ему пришлось уйти из-за психического расстройства. Выздоровев, он решил служить в одном из киевских банков, а затем занялся литературным поприщем, опубликовав в газете «Заря» несколько очерков о жизни душевнобольных. Вскоре Бибикову пришлось оставить службу, и на какое-то время он был прерван мелкой газетной работой, а затем стал писать рассказы и романы, в которых выражалось сильное влияние И. И. Ясинского. Произведения Бибикова написаны очень хорошим языком и большей частью тщательно закончены, но особого успеха они не имели из-за грубого самобичевания автора и эксцентричности настроения; Эти черты сближают Бибикова с французским декадансом и особенно ярко отражены в его повести о смерти: «Мученики» (в «Северном вестнике», 1891, № 12, подпись «И. Викторов»). Подробнее на livelib.ru: https://www.livelib.ru/author/442530-viktor-bibikov Я дам людям отдохнуть от моих работ. Надеюсь, они не надоедают.
  11. JeremyK2


    V.I. Bibikov. Users can simply ignore these mentions if it is not of interest. Source: Lit .: St. Petersburg State Theater Library: [Reference]. SPb., 1996; Tsapovetskaya M.I. On the history of the creation of the St. Petersburg theater library // Zap. St. Petersburg. theatre. b-ki. 1997. Issue. 1.S. 31-35. Kirillov A.A. In 1917-31. library rus. drama, in 1931-34 Leningrad Library. State Academic Drama Theater, Leningrad in 1934-93. state theater. b-ka them. A. V. Lunacharsky, from 1994 to the present day I will name Private collections, books, manuscripts, will depict. and other materials began to come to the library from the 18th century. Among them there is a collection. former manager of Russian collectives V.I.Bibikov , YA ponimayu, chto upominaniya VI Bibikova neznachitel'ny, no podpischiki mogut prosto ignorirovat 'eti upominaniya, yesli eto ne predstavlyayet interesa.
  12. JeremyK2


    Просто небольшая ссылка, которая, я надеюсь, может быть интересна. Из Лит .: Ковалевский П.И. Институт воспитания детей с умственной отсталостью и эпилепсией. СПб., 1907; Глезеров С. Е. Коломяги: Вокруг. М., 2008. С. 101-102. Д.Я. Северюхин ОБЩЕСТВО ПРИЗРЕНИЯ КАЛЕК НЕСОВЕРШЕННОГО ВОЗРАСТА И ИДИОТОВ Рубрикатор / Благотворительность в Петербурге/История/Попечение об инвалидах Устав общества был утвержден 3 июня 1891 министром внутренних дел, а его деятельность официально началась 28 октября того же года. В уставе указывалась главная задача общества – устроить дом для призрения платных и бесплатных пансионеров из числа несовершеннолетних, страдающих неизлечимыми заболеваниями (калек), а также для отстающих в умственном развитии. Бессменным председателем Правления общества была инициатор его создания Мария Васильевна Овандер, попечителем приюта – Д. Л. Парфенов, непременными членами Правления – Н. Д. Добровольский и Н. М. Плохинский. Почетными членами общества состояли В. Д. Бибикова, А. Б. Враский, А. Я. Горинова, И. И. Дейбель, А. Г. Елисеев, Э. А. Карпантье, кн. В. С. Кочубей, В. А. Крассовский, С. И. Мережковский, В. С. Мережковский, К. В. Мережковская, Р. Н. Николаев, Я. И. Овандер, Е. М. Родоканаки, В. В. Серов и др. В 1898 августейшее покровительство над обществом приняла на себя вел. кнг. Мария Павловна.
  13. JeremyK2


    I need to be more professional. I need to be more cautious and I might need to write in English. The translations are causing considerable change in meaning sometimes almost making an opposite point of discussion.
  14. JeremyK2


    Я снова терплю поражение и позволяю своему чрезмерному энтузиазму приводить к ошибке, которую затем должны исправлять другие. Мои извинения действительно нуждаются в поддержке улучшенное и более профессиональное предостережение, чтобы оно имело какое-либо значение. Я сделаю все возможно
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